How To Fix Paint Flashing? – Complete Guide In 2023




fix paint flashing


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Paint flashing is a common problem that can be easily fixed with a few simple steps. Follow our guide on how to fix paint flashing and get your walls looking perfect again!

Unsaturated porosity can also lead to thicker/ thinner spots depending on where pores within the substrate absorb more & fewer pigments respectively causing these types of flashes even without any other problems arising; I have found most cases where people see these newer lacquers with higher transparent qualities seem.

how to fix paint flashing

What is Flicker?

Flicker is an uneven saturation of pigment often seen in layers of satin paint. Various problems can cause flickering. Uneven porosity in the substrate can cause more pigment to be absorbed in some places than others.

How its fix:

Paint that has begun to flicker must be completely stripped and recoated with a compatible top coat.

Testing will be necessary to determine if the flicker is caused by a problem in the paint or in the substrate. If the flicker is caused by problems in the surface or coating, it can be corrected. Sometimes you may need to use more than one fix for this type of problem.

If there are no vapor barriers present, fix the vapor problem. Use a primer under the paint that has begun to flicker to seal and strengthen the substrate.

If there is an incompatible coating on top of the one causing the flicker, fix this incompatibility by stripping all old finishes and starting over with a compatible product (such as latex over oil).

Read Also: How to thin latex paint

How To Fix Paint Flashing?

If you want to fix paint flashing then test the substrate, if the problem is due to the substrate then fix it first. Then fix any compatibility problems with this fix. And finally, fix any incompatible problems by stripping all old finishes and starting over with a compatible product (such as latex over oil). hope this helps u out!

By fix paint flashing you may mean fix flicker. Flickering can occur because of various problems including uneven porosity in the substrate, incompatible top coats, or vapor barrier issues.

If it is due to any of these issues they must be fixed first for the fix to work. A compatible primer should then be used under the new paint that will fix any of these issues.

If there is an incompatible coating on top of the one causing the flicker then fix this incompatibility by stripping all old finish and starting over with a compatible product (such as latex over oil).

If you fix the substrate first, fix any compatibility problems with this fix, and fix any incompatible problems by stripping all old finishes and starting over with a compatible product (such as latex over oil), you fix paint flashing. It is that simple.

What Is Fixing Soap Film?

When you need to fix soap film, the first thing to do is check that the surface is clean and free from dirt or grease. Use a detergent or degreasing solution with a stiff brush to clean it. Then proceed as per the process which will fix the soap film.

Steps To Fix The Paint Flashing

These are the following things you need to consider while fixing the paint flashing:

  • Flicker is an uneven color of paint. Mostly, it is seen in the layers of satin paint. Problems can cause this problem. If the substrate has uneven porosity, then more pigment will be absorbed. This will cause some places to have more pigment than others.
  • A problem with paint or painting rollers can also lead to uneven areas of thick and thin paint on the surface.
  • Flicker can be fixed by applying another coat of satin paint on top of it using a sandpaper block with extra-fine grit sanding down areas that are too thick and leveling out the texture as well as possible.
  • With a wet cloth, wipe the surface to remove the sanding dust. 
  • Next, vacuum the work area with a vacuum cleaner. Dust particles are very small and easily airborne, so they easily get on topcoats.  If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, you can sweep the floor and let the dust settle for 15 minutes, and then sweep again.
  • Pour a new batch of paint into the tray and use a high-quality type of paint. Do not thin it. Thin or poor-quality paint is usually applied unevenly. Also, different concentrations of pigment can create sparkles. 
  • Roll the roller over the tray and cover it with a new coat of paint. By doing this, you avoid painting with too much paint on the surface.
  • The thin and thick layers create sparkles in your finished layer.
  • While painting, work fast and always lead with a wet edge. Paint from one edge of the wall to the other area and do not gather areas together. Painting over the wet parts will cause the layers to be uneven.

For more watch this video on how to fix paint flashing:


Can you paint over flashing?

Yes, you can paint over flashing. However, it is important to make sure that the surface is clean and dry before painting. Otherwise, the paint may not adhere properly and could eventually peel off.

What does it mean when the paint is flashing?

Flashing is a common issue with paint, and it usually occurs when the paint hasn’t been mixed properly. If you see flashing, it’s best to mix the paint thoroughly and then apply it to the surface.

What do you do if your paint is flashing?

If your paint is flashing, you can try to thin it out with a little bit of water. You can also try to apply it in multiple thin layers instead of one thick layer.

How do you fix streaks on painted walls?

If your paint job has streaks, the best way to fix them is to sand them down and repaint them. You can also try using a paint primer to help even out the surface before you paint.

How do I stop paint fillers from flashing?

There are a few things you can do to stop paint fillers from flashing:
1. Make sure the area is well ventilated
2. Apply a thin layer of filler and let it dry completely
3. Sand the area smooth before painting

Can I paint over aluminum flashing?

Yes, you can paint over aluminum flashing. You will need to use a primer and then a paint that is made for metal surfaces.

Can I paint galvanized flashing?

Yes, you can paint galvanized flashing. However, it is important to note that the paint will not last as long as it would on other surfaces. Additionally, you may need to use a special primer designed for use on galvanized metal.


If you are experiencing paint flashing it is important to identify the source of the problem. Once the source is identified, you can then take steps to fix the issue. Be sure to consult with a professional if you are unsure of how to proceed. With a little effort, you can have your paint job looking flawless in no time.

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